Die Buche, a newbuild development sponsored by TraxleReal GmbH, was awarded the architectural prize “gebaut 2022” from the City of Vienna. Completed at year-end 2022, the low energy building includes 21 high-quality apartments and an office. According to the department of urban scaping of Vienna, the “gebaut 2022” architectural prize is awarded to “pioneering, exciting and exemplary newbuilds, extensions and renovations in the Vienna district, which also contribute to social sustainability and climate protection”. Indeed, the building, which uses electricity produced by solar panels on its roof and is connected to the low carbon district heating network, has been declared klimaaktiv Bronze.
When receiving the award, Franz Traxler (CEO) mentioned, “I am particularly honoured to be recognised for contributing to the quality of life and sustainability of the City of Vienna. It is a merited award for a project launched 5 years ago and which experienced its share of challenging circumstances. A heartfelt thank you goes to all the people involved! In particular, my full gratitude goes to the project team, whose inspiration, oversight and dedication were essential to project success.”